16th EAEA

will be held 27-28 October 2018 in Taipei, Taiwan.
Ways to the 16th EAEA Venue

Full paper submission deadline: Sept 1st (strict)
Paper format file here
E-mail your full paper to eaea16program@gmail.com before Sept 1st, 2018
Please save the file as a MS Word file and save the file as PT### where ### is the number assigned to your abstract.
For example, if your paper was T101, please save this file as PT101. Thank you.

Important Dates in 2018

Abstract submission open: 1 April
Abstract submission due: 11 June
Session Proposal deadline: 11 June
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 30 June
Full paper submission due: 1 September
Paper Presenter registration due: 1 September
Convention dates: 27-28 October

In addition to individual paper writers, we welcome session organizers. Session organizers are responsible for providing a title and description of the scope of their session, inviting speakers and discussants to participate in the session. The contact address for this category is: Professor Craig R. Parsons at eaea16program@gmail.com. The deadline to submit abstracts, the scope of their session and a list of participants is also 31 May 2018.

The theme of the Convention is:
“Globalization and the New Growth Paradigm in Asia”

The Program Committee is now issuing a call for papers related to the Convention theme and for papers on a wide range of economics issues. We consider all academic papers that are applied, empirical and policy-relevant in nature and related to Asia. Pure theory papers will not be considered. Possible topics for session titles and papers include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Economic Integration
B. Multinationals and the Global Economy
C. Economic Growth and Income Disparity
D. Global Imbalances
E. Green Growth and Sustainable Development
F: The Economics of Disasters
G. Protectionism and Anti-Globalization
H. The Economics Profession and Teaching
I. Exchange Rates and Currency Crisis
J. Financial Institutions and Markets
K. Firm Behavior
L. Food and Agricultural Policy
M. Growth and Productivity
N. Household Behavior
O. International Trade and Trade Policy
P. International Investment and Capital Flows
Q. Supply Chain and Economic Development
R. Institutions and Economic Analysis
S. Labor and Human Resource Economics
T. Macroeconomic Management
U. Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
V. Poverty and Income Distribution
W. Public Sector Economics
X. Services Sector Economics
Y. Technology and Economic Analysis
Z. Corruption and Development

Richard E. Baldwin

Professor of International Economics
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva)

Speech Title: 
Future Globalization and the Spread of the Emerging Market Miracle

Ping Wang
Seigle Family Professor of Economics, Washington University in St. Louis
NBER Research Associate

Speech Title:
Global Technology Assimilation, Mismatch and Economic Development

Program Committee

  • Tain-Jy Chen (National Taiwan University)
  • Julan Du (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • Kazunobu Hayakawa (Institute of Developing Economies)
  • Hal Hill (Australian National University)
  • Keiko Ito (Senshu University)
  • Soyoung Kim (Seoul National University)
  • Fukunari Kimura (Keio University)
  • Kozo Kiyota (Keio University)
  • Ming-Jen Lin (National Taiwan University, host country director)
  • Akira Kohsaka (Osaka University)
  • Colin McKenzie (Keio University)
  • Jayant Menon (Asian Development Bank)
  • Oleksandr Movshuk (Toyama University)
  • Craig R. Parsons (Yokohama National University)
  • Eric D. Ramstetter (Asian Growth Research Institute)
  • Kiyotaka Sato (Yokohama National University)
  • Shandre Thangavelu (University of Adelaide)
  • Chih-Hai Yang (National Central University)

Local Committee

  • Tain-Jy Chen (National Taiwan University)
  • Shih-Hsun Hsu (National Taiwan University)
  • Kamhon Kan (Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica)
  • Hsien-Ming Lien (National Cheng Chi University)
  • Chien-Fu Jeff Lin (National Taiwan University and Taiwan Institute of Economic Research)
  • Ching-Yi Lin (National Tsing Hua University)
  • Hsin-Yi Lin (National Cheng Chi University)
  • Hui-Lin Lin (National Taiwan University)
  • Ming-Jen Lin (National Taiwan University, host country director)
  • Bih Jane Liu (National Taiwan University)
  • Chung-Shu Wu (Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research)
  • Chih-Hai Yang (National Central University)


Program Day 1         Program Day 2
Ways to the 16th EAEA Venue

Program Overview
Saturday, 27th October, 2018
(updated at 18th October, 2018)

8:00-8:30REGISTRATION1F, College of Social Sciences Bldg.
8:30-8:40Opening Ceremony
Opening Speech
Akira Kohsaka, Osaka University, President of EAEA
Welcoming Speech
Tain-Jy Chen, National Taiwan University, Chair of Host Committee
Room 101, College of Social Sciences Bldg.
8:40-9:30Keynote Speech I
Title : Future globalization and the spread of the emerging market miracle
Speaker : Richard Baldwin, The Graduate Institute, Geneva
Moderator : Shujiro Urata, Waseda University
Room 101,
College of Social Sciences Bldg.
9:30-10:00COFFEE BREAK3F, College of Social Sciences Bldg.
CS1A : Nanshan Life Insurance Session – Finance
CS1B : Lipsey Memorial Panel on Firms, Plants, and Trade I – Multi-country Studies, Japan, and China
CS1C : International Trade I
CS1D : Poverty and Income Distribution
CS1E : Education I
CS1F : Labor Market I
CS1G : Institutions and Economics Analysis
CS1H : Macroeconomic Management
CS1I   : Household Behavior
CS1A: Room 301
CS1B: Room 302
CS1C: Room 305
CS1D: Room 306
CS1E: Room 307
CS1F: Room 404
CS1G: Room 405
CS1H: Room 406
CS1I  : Room 407
12:00-13:30LUNCH3F, College of Social Sciences Bldg.
CS2A : TAIOS-organized session I – Agriculture Sector and Environmental Economics
CS2B : Wage Inequality
CS2C : International Trade II
CS2D : Health Care
CS2E : Corruption and Development
CS2F : Public Sector Economics
CS2G : Labor and Human Resource Economics
CS2H : Natural Resource and Environmental Economics I
CS2I   : ERIA – organized session I – Industrialization in Globalized Economies
CS2A: Room 301
CS2B: Room 302
CS2C: Room 305
CS2D: Room 306
CS2E: Room 307
CS2F: Room 404
CS2G: Room 405
CS2H: Room 406
CS2I  : Room 407
15:30-16:00COFFEE BREAK3F, College of Social Sciences Bldg.
CS3A : UBS Banking Session – Firm Level Analysis
CS3B : Organized Session – East Asian Integration, South-South Interdependencies and Sustainable Development
CS3C : International Trade III
CS3D : International Trade IV
CS3E : Labor Market II
CS3F : The Chinese Economy
CS3G : Natural Resource and Environmental Economics III
CS3H : Labor Mobility and Migrants
CS3A: Room 301
CS3B: Room 302
CS3C: Room 305
CS3D: Room 306
CS3E: Room 307
CS3F: Room 404
CS3G: Room 405
CS3H: Room 406
17:30-18:30Shuttle bus to Dinner Banquet  Venue1F, College of Social Sciences Bldg.
(1) 18:30-18:40 : Short Speech I
Chuang-Chang Chang, Vice Chairman of Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC)
(2) 18:40-18:50 : Short Speech II
Hsin Chiao, Head of UBS Asset Management (Taiwan)
Howard Hotel,

Sunday, 28th October, 2018
(updated at 18th October, 2018)

8:00-8:40REGISTRATION1F, College of Social Sciences Bldg.
8:40-9:30Keynote Speech I
Title : Global technology assimilation, mismatch and economic development
Speaker : Ping Wang, Washington University in St. Louis
Moderator : Kamhon Kan, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
Room 101,
College of Social Sciences Bldg.
9:30-10:00COFFEE BREAK1F, College of Social Sciences Bldg.
CS4A : TAIOS-organized session II – Agriculture Sector and Households
CS4B : ERIA-organized session II – Energy and Government Policy
CS4C : Exchange Rates
CS4D : International Trade V
CS4E : Trade Liberalization
CS4F : Foreign Direct Investment
CS4G : Education II
CS4H : Economics Growth and Development
CS4I   : Family and Demographic Economics
CS4A: Room 301
CS4B: Room 302
CS4C: Room 305
CS4D: Room 306
CS4E: Room 307
CS4F: Room 404
CS4G: Room 405
CS4H: Room 406
CS4I  : Room 407
12:00-13:30LUNCH3F, College of Social Sciences Bldg.
CS5A : Research Center for East Asia Policy (Hitotsubashi University) – organized session – Real Picture of Dollarization in Cambodia: Empirical Studies based on Nation Wide Large-scale Questionnaire Survey
CS5B : Lipsey Memorial Panel on Firms, Plants, and Trade II – Southeast Asia
CS5C : Exchange Rates II
CS5D : Agriculture Economics II
CS5E : Macroeconomics
CS5F : Firm and Micro-data Analysis
CS5G : Economic Growth and Development II
CS5H : Global Value Chains I
CS5A: Room 301
CS5B: Room 302
CS5C: Room 305
CS5D: Room 306
CS5E: Room 307
CS5F: Room 404
CS5G: Room 405
CS5H: Room 406
15:30-16:00COFFEE BREAK1F, College of Social Sciences Bldg.
CS6A : Far Eastern International Bank session – Central Bank Policy
CS6B : Global Value Chains II
CS6C : Firm Behavior
CS6D : Labor Market III
CS6E : Micro-data Analysis
CS6F : Labor
CS6G : Agricultural Economics II
CS6H : Labor and Migration
CS6A: Room 301
CS6B: Room 302
CS6C: Room 305
CS6D: Room 306
CS6E: Room 307
CS6F: Room 404
CS6G: Room 405
CS6H: Room 406
17:30-17:50Closing SessionRoom 305,
College of Social Sciences Bldg.


 For All Convention Participants

  • US$100 = $50 (EAEA dues, “developing” or graduate student) + $50 (Convention registration)
  • US$190 = $90 (EAEA dues, “developed”) + $100 (Convention registration)
  • US$50 (for those from developing countries who have already paid annual EAEA dues)
  • US$100 (for those from developed countries who have already paid annual EAEA dues)

Please refer to your acceptance letter for the link to register


Contract Hotel:

1.The Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei (Limited)
Various Daily Tours Provided
2.Howard Civil Service International House

Other Hotel Recommendation:

4.Brother Hotel
5.San Want Hotel
6.Park Taipei Hotel

Or you can refer to
Hotels.com, Agoda, Booking.com for more options!

*Due to the multiple international events held in the same time, it is strongly suggested to reserve ASAP.

2018 EAEA 16th Conference



About Taipei

Geographical Position
Taipei, located in Taiwan’s north, has an area of 271.8 sq. km, and is situated in a basin. Rich in leisure and recreation, cultural arts, heritage sites, and other attractions, it enjoys a superb geographical position and traffic environment.

Situated near the 25th parallel north, the city has a subtropical island climate influenced by its basin location. The Taipei summers and autumns are hot and humid, the springs and winters cool and mild, and there is clear differentiation between the four seasons. March to May generally marks the spring season, June ~ August summer, September ~ November autumn, and December ~ February winter.
For detailed weather forecast, please refer to Central Weather Bureau website (http://www.cwb.gov.tw/eng/index.htm)

Taipei has a comprehensive transportation network. The convenient MRT has five main lines and two branch lines, with 117 stations, and there are over 300 public-bus routes. It has four Taiwan Railways stations, and the railway network reaches all cities and counties. If you require rapid shuttling between Taiwan’s north and south, the Taiwan High Speed Rail network provides a lightning-quick option. Songshan Airport, located in the city’s heart, provides both domestic and international route services, giving visitors from around the world quick access to the city’s core.

Contact Us

Address:No.1, Sec 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan
telephone: 886-2-3366-8448
fax: 886-2-2365-9128
e-mail: 2018eaea@gmail.com

Ways to EAEA Venue

Ways to the 16th EAEA Venue